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Oil & Gas – Examples of Services

Conventional Reservoirs

  1. Special Core Analysis (SCAL) – Rock Matrix: Steady-state measurements of two- and three-phase relative permeabilities using reservoir live/dead fluids under reservoir pressure and temperature conditions (in situ characterization of saturation using x-ray imaging technique)
  2. Special Core Analysis (SCAL) – Fracture: Steady-state measurements of two- and three-phase relative permeabilities in fractures
  3. Routine Core Analysis (RCAL): Porosity, permeability, permeability degradation, fluid content, mineralogy, etc.
  4. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) studies for conventional reservoirs (e.g., foam-assisted hydrocarbon/CO2 gas injection, chemical (ASP) flooding, miscible and immiscible gas injection, WAG, low-salinity and engineered waterflooding, complex non-Newtonian fluids, nanoparticles, etc.) using live reservoir fluids and under reservoir pressure and temperature conditions
  5. Digital Tock Technology (DRT): Computational modeling of multiphase flow and transport in faithful digital representations of reservoir rock using HPC resources and domain decomposition techniques – Predict and validate SCAL data for digital twins of plug-size samples used in experiments; Predict SCAL data for other rock facies within the same geosystem without the need for additional experiments; or Construct representative digital plugs from drill cuttings and predict SCAL data for the larger geosystem where cores are not available.
  6. Capillary Pressure: Characterization of capillary pressure curves using high-speed centrifuge and/or MICP
  7. In-situ characterization of fluid saturation using X-ray imaging techniques (macro and micro scales)
  8. In-situ Pore-fluid Occupancy & Wettability
  9. High-temperature (HT) Spontaneous Imbibition Testing: Evaluation of oil recovery due to spontaneous imbibition using a wide range of chemical additives to aqueous solutions (e.g., surfactants, nano-particles, etc.)
  10. Interfacial Properties: Characterization of dynamic IFT, contact angle/wettability, cloud point, kraft temperature, phase behavior, spreading coefficient, etc., and interactions in different fluid/fluid/rock systems
  11. Reservoir Fluids Preparation & Characterization
  12. Multi-scale Imaging at macro, micro, nano, and atomic scales using macro- and micro-CT, SEM/FIB-SEM, QEMSCAN, and ETEM platforms to characterize the pore space topology, mineralogy, heterogeneity, and other properties
  13. X-ray Imaging of large quantities of reservoir core (whole cores, slabbed cores, etc.) – Digital cores
  14. Conformance control studies using foam and gel
  15. Tracer tests
  16. Molecular Dynamics Simulation


Unconventional Reservoirs

  1. Fracturing Fluid Additives: Evaluation of the efficacies (and compatibilities) of chemical additives used in hydraulic fracturing fluids (e.g., surfactant, friction reducer, clay stabilizer, scale inhibitor, etc) in improving primary oil production from unconventional geosystems
  2. Special Core Analysis (SCAL) – Rock Matrix: Steady-state measurements of two- and three-phase relative permeabilities in ultra-tight reservoir core samples (liquid permeability greater than 300 nD)
  3. Special Core Analysis (SCAL) – Fracture: Steady-state measurements of two- and three-phase relative permeabilities in propped or unpropped fractures
  4. Proppant & Fracture Evaluations: In-situ characterization of fracture/proppant pack deformation, embedment & disintegration, hydraulic conductivity, wettability, and fluid occupancy under varying stress and flow conditions
  5. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) studies for unconventional reservoirs (e.g., foam-assisted hydrocarbon/CO2 gas injection, huff-and-puff gas injection, etc.) using live reservoir fluids and under reservoir pressure and temperature conditions
  6. Routine Core Analysis (RCAL): Porosity, permeability, permeability degradation, fluid content, mineralogy, etc.
  7. High-temperature (HT) Spontaneous Imbibition Testing: Evaluation of oil recovery due to spontaneous imbibition using a wide range of chemical additives to aqueous solutions (e.g., fracking fluid additives)
  8. Capillary Pressure: Characterization of capillary pressure curves using high-speed centrifuge and/or MICP
  9. Water blockage studies in rock matrix and fractures under multiphase flow conditions
  10. Interfacial Properties: Characterization of dynamic IFT, contact angle/wettability, cloud point, kraft temperature, phase behavior, spreading coefficient, etc., and interactions in different fluid/fluid/rock systems
  11. Reservoir Fluids Preparation & Characterization
  12. Multi-scale Imaging at macro, micro, nano, and atomic scales using macro- and micro-CT, SEM/FIB-SEM, QEMSCAN, and ETEM platforms to characterize the pore space topology, mineralogy, heterogeneity, and other properties
  13. X-ray Imaging of large quantities of reservoir core (whole cores, slabbed cores, etc.) – Digital cores
  14. Confined Fluid Phase Behavior in nano-porous systems
  15. Conformance control studies using foam and gel
  16. Tracer tests
  17. Molecular Dynamics Simulation