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Interfacial Properties & Phase Behavior

Piri Technologies can characterize fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions and fluid phase behavior at reservoir conditions using its custom-designed Interfacial Properties systems. The setup can also be used to screen surfactants or other chemicals as EOR agents or frack fluid additives.


  • Capable of measuring or investigating dynamic interfacial tension, contact angle/wettability, phase behavior, cloud point, Krafft temperature, and spreading coefficient
  • Equipped with precise pumping systems
  • Capable of handling 10,000 psig pressure and 250° F temperature
Inferfacial Tension and Contact Angle Measurement. Equipment details. Interfacial tension/ contact angle (IFT/CA) measurement systems are built to perform measurements under extreme conditions, such as those encountered in oil and gas reservoirs. Interfacial tension and contact angle are among the most influential parameters that considerably affect the fluid flow characteristics and subsequently the ultimate oil recovery from reservoir formations.
Effect of temperature on dynamic IFT of the surfactant solutions/crude oil at reservoir conditions (6840 psi and 120 °C) (Mirchi et al. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res (2017))