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Special Core Analysis (SCAL)

Special core analysis (SCAL) is useful for obtaining more in-depth information on reservoir rock samples and their multiphase flow properties, which are critical for reservoir evaluation and production estimates. Piri Technologies has decades of collective experience in conducting SCAL studies using reservoir dead/live fluids under reservoir pressure and temperature conditions. Several examples of our SCAL services are listed below:

  • Steady-state measurements of two- and three-phase relative permeabilities – From multi-Darcy conventional (in situ characterization of saturation using x-ray imaging) to nano-Darcy unconventional rocks
  • Steady-state measurements of two- and three-phase relative permeabilities in fractures – Conventional or Unconventional rocks (natural or hydraulically induced, propped or unpropped)
  • A wide range of unsteady-state flow tests (e.g., single-rate or multi-rate waterflood, gas injection, etc.) – Conventional or Unconventional rocks
  • Characterization of capillary pressure curves using high-speed centrifuge and/or MICP – Conventional or Unconventional rocks

Special procedures and specific core handling methods may also be available upon request. In addition to standard SCAL measurements, Piri Technologies has the capability to integrate a suite of Digital Rock Technology (DRT) into your SCAL program to help you maximize the data from each core,  minimize the number of experiments needed to generate SCAL data for other rock facies of the same geosystem, and/or estimate SCAL data for other wells where only drill cutting are available.

Three-phase oil relative permeability measurements [Alizadeh and Piri. WRR (2014)].
Three-phase oil relative permeability measurements [Alizadeh and Piri. WRR (2014)].