The facilities at Piri Technologies include a medical CT scanner, designed for both vertical as well as horizontal scanning of long samples. The scanners incorporate a custom-built, two-story vertical positioning system (VPS) that allows meter-long samples to be positioned vertically during helical scanning. The system is also integrated with a high-pressure and temperature multi-phase core-flooding system to allow fluids to be injected into the samples during scans. The systems can be used with custom chemical-resistant sample holders made of X-ray transparent material that can withstand up to 6,000 psi pressures and 240 F temperature. The system allows engineers and scientists at Piri Technologies to help customers investigate critical rock/fluid interactions in large reservoir samples (up to 4 inches in diameter and 4 ft in length), such as two- and three-phase relative permeability measurements, various EOR applications, and CO2 sequestration while generating in-situ 3D fluid saturation maps.